Friday, June 15, 2007

Campaign Announcement

Hey! You know, Winnie the Catholic has been making some great "posts" here, and after a lot of personal inventories and searching, I realized that one of the things she's trying to tell me is that we've got to get involved. So, after having rejected the idea before, I have decided to throw my towel in the ring in the race to be the new Knoxville Bishop. Ché Lovell will be my campaign manager, and has already made some great bumper stickers, which will be on sale in the vestibule on Sunday.

I appreciate all of your support. If I actually get to be Bishop, then I can do alot of really neat things, like make SOV2 one of the "parishes" of the diocese, ordain Maryann, and lots of stuff like that.


Che' Lovell said...

Father Tim you forgot to say that with a twenty dollar donation they not only get the bumper sticker but they can get their own SOV2 tree seed pod and reduce their carbon footprint. Its like a DOUBLE SLAP against neocon catholofascists!

Remeber SOV2 seed pods were used to be $2,000 each!

Unknown said...

I don't know, doesn't running for bishop give credibility to the patriarchal structure of the Church? Unless of course you intend to tear it down from within. If so, I am all for it! I'm just worried about them dragging you off to some Opus Dei boot camp and brainwashing you once you win. You're like a mother to me.

Odysseus said...

I've heard that being elected bishop is the first step to being elected Pope!

The Digital Hairshirt said...

Hmmmmm . . . maybe it's time to talk to my husband about rethinking our move to Knoxville. Bishop Plarvik sounds like it would be a greater burden to bear than, say, Bishop Tod Brown.

Anonymous said...

St. Albert was elected by the faithful to the bishopric was he not? In about the 12th century? I suppose this is more radtrad nonsense to declare democratic selection to be heretical regardless of the church's take on the matter, or to assume that I would support that in anything like the current environment.

Father Tim said...

Hey WC, I don't know about that whole St. Albert thing, but this is really going to be a fun campaign! At least unless Fr. Chad LeJanvier enters the race. I think I'm a shoowin unless he splits the conscientious dissenter vote. I'm with you 100%! This crazy appointment system is just more Patriarchical Imperialistic Vatican Hegemony and we are obligated by our consciences to stand up and put a stop to it!