First, about the road trip: at first I was going just to accompany Molly Jean. But as we visited, read and prayed, I started to sense a stirring in my own heart.
I’m seeing a whole new side of the Church. The evil male hierarchy
isn’t evil at all. They’re not even anti-
womyn. DO NOT STOP READING.... You see, as we traveled, we took turns reading
MULIERIS DIGNITATEM out loud. That is an apostolic letter by John Paul II. Now before everyone starts screaming at me, let me tell you: it’s IN YOUR FACE on the dignity of
womyn. While I’
ve always been proud of being a
womyn, I had NO idea before how BLESSED by God I am as a
womyn. And how much men and
womyn need each other. Even as a woman promised to celibacy, men still compliment me. Here’s my favorite (well, maybe second favorite) line: “In the life of consecrated women, for example, who live according to the
charism and the rules of the various apostolic Institutes, it can express itself as concern for people, especially the most needy: the sick, the handicapped, the abandoned, orphans, the elderly, children, young people, the imprisoned and, in general, people on the edges of society. In this way a consecrated woman finds her Spouse, different and the same in each and every person, according to his very words: "As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Mt 25:40).” Whoever thinks this is anti-
womyn obviously can’t read. And my FAVORITE line: “the dignity of women is measured by the order of love, which is essentially the order of justice and charity.”
Whoever thinks the man writing this is fascist and chauvinistic and anti-
womyn … well, I challenge you to read it for yourself.
And as we visited these awesome communities, I began to see a part of my life that I’m really missing. I need to be with other Sisters. I need to relearn what my vows are about, and I can’t do that unless I’m around other Sisters.
We stopped at the provincial house for my community in Omaha. Sadly, I had no desire to stay there for more than a short visit. But when we stayed at the other convents, I felt so drawn to stay and not leave. I felt especially attracted to the nuns (and they are nuns) at Institute of Servants of the Queen of Apostles in Columbus, OH. They have a beautiful spirit, and well, I want to learn more about them. So they’
ve invited me to stay. There is nothing in Knoxville for me to return there. Everything was ruined in the water-leak… absolutely everything. I have all my worldly possessions with me.
ve updated my profile one last time. I will be able to check the community blog once or twice during the next week, but starting on the 17
th, I’m leaving
SOV2 for good. The nuns don’t do anything online, and have asked me to let go of it, too. I’m sad I can’t come back to say
goodbye to everyone, but I want to stay here.
WOMYN: We need more of you to step up to leadership roles at
SOV2. “H. Roberts” (or whomever is playing him) claims to have a committee taking applications to leadership here. I suspect it’s a committee of one. In any case, he needs to be BOMBARDED with
womyn applying. ARM YOURSELF with strength, the order of justice and love and come forth to leadership at
My final testaments:
Che’: BE NICE. Let go of your anger. Be church to everyone, even the
Syb family.
IR: I’ll miss you! You have MUCH to give to
SOV2 … don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise. I promise you’ll find a friend to take my place.
H. Roberts: you’re fake, a farce, a sham. A brain in a jar can’t communicate like you claim to. Who ever is claiming to be H. Roberts, be honest with the community. It’s wrong if you
aren’t. Che' and Keith: don't change his water / mixture any more. The dead brain needs to rot.
Maryann: take over as spiritual advisor for me. Maybe you can get
Brittnee to come back????? The community needs more
Dym Tim: If you’re ever in Columbus, come see me. Come back soon!
God bless you all. I love you and will pray for you.