Hey! Just wanted to let you know we've formed a new club here at SOV2 called Catholics Against Catholics Against Rudy, or CACAR, which was formed in response to those Right Wing NeoCath RadTrads over at
Catholics Against Rudy. The first meeting of CACAR happened while I was out, but apparently it was really cool and they came up with this neat logo. We're going to be having a banner making party this weekend and we're going to get about 400 of these banners made to be hung up in all of the Faith Communities we can find.
Oh - and by the way, I am now banning the CAR 'blog:
Catholics Against Rudy: PH,NC,O,C,T
Fr. Tim,
I admire your enthusiasm, but I think that the city is still angry about the signs that you left up after your debate with Mr. Hitchens. They claim that they fined you for having to clean up the signs themselves, and that you tore up the bill in front of them.
Agent Smith
As CAR's grandpoobah, I object! Catholics Against Rudy should be upgraded from C to C+, assigned EM and R ratings, and you should also define what in the heck "NC" means. Oh, and if I put some Latin on the website, can I get the F designation as well? :)
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