Hey everybody! Long time, no 'blog. Well, you all know how busy I am with the campaign to be the next Bishop of Knoxville, and with a glitch in the OCP's homily generator program. Also there's been a bit of "trouble" with Dr. Al Fakkir which has occupied some of my precious time.
Anyway, with everything going on, I'm going to be canceling all the masses for a little while. Instead, please just show up at the Liturgical Interior wearing your OCP approved dress code for the appropriate mass, and form up into your Reform: Who's Catholic teams. There will be bread and grape juice for anyone who wants to have their own communion.
I promise I'll get back to a regular mass schedule one of these days - but it may have to wait until after I'm Bishop and can appoint a few new priests/priestesses to help out around SOV2.
Peace out!
Hey man,
EXCELLENT PAGE.. simply wonderful, I can´t say if you´re a trans-para-post-modern-ecumenyst or a ultramontane-radical-conspiranoic-traditionalist. Have you (or anybody in the group) an msn account? I wanna meet your group!!
Ramón López
Nictel Soluciones
I have to say that I agree... This site leaves me feeling inspired. The dynamic progressive liberal uber-life-force radiates from every line. I'm a Canadian, too, so I have a special understanding of multiculturalism and acceptance; I'm glad not everyone in the States is as orthotrad as our media sometimes chooses to inform us.
I was wondering, though, if I visited for one of your gatherings, there would be milk as an alternative to grape juice? I mean, it's so much more affyrming to womyn, and I would feel bad knowing that innocent grapes were harmed for the celebration. Of course, the milk would be volunteered freely by organic free-range cows.
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