Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Some Changes at SOV2

Hey everybody! Well, how do you like the new look of the 'blog? Our good friend Mr. Kip Struthers of the OCP told us that our 'blog was noncompliant with the style standards maintained by the OCP, so we had to change it to the way they think it should look. I kind of liked the old look, but since we're getting such a big discount on our bulletins and missals, we really have to go with the whole program.

On a related note, we've had to fire Todd Turk. While he was a super Liturgical Music Minister, he wasn't able to complete the OCP's rigorous training, and thus wasn't certified. Since under the terms of our contract with the OCP we have to have a certified music minister, we've replaced Todd with a Kareoke machine that OCP sold us at a very reasonable price. This is really a load off of our weekly liturgical planning meetings, since now we can use the preprogrammed liturgical plans that OCP provides us.

Also, I really should let you know that Kip will be concelebrating the masses with me so that he can get a feel for our liturgical rhythms. So don't mind him! He's a validly certified deacon with the OCP and can perform all the sacraments except foot-washing.

More later - I've got to run as I have a teleconference with Oregon and they get really mad if I'm late.

Peace out!


Deacon Bernadette Carnahan said...

How strange. You'd think OCP of all people would encourage the "blog" to have a little more color. Oh well, I'm sure they know best.

EegahInc said...

Well, it does look much more like the praise music pamphlets that get passed out before mass these days. Now if each post just had a "published under license #____" at the bottom it would feel just like home.

Anonymous said...


We're outta here! We didn't get Nils back, but Sr. Dawn is back, with most of the pigs. Nils feet are gone, but Sr. said that "the scarey deacon chick" took them to Nils, who is apparently going to Oregon to work on tribal claims there. There's a VA Hospital there that can check the fit.

But we can't take the music anymore. It's inhuman to subject us to it, and we've filed a complaint with the UN Office for Indigenous Peoples.

And what did you do to Sr? she just sits quietly and sobs--sometimes she twitches.

Father Tim said...

Well, Sven, give my regards to my brother native american Nils. I'm sorry to see the Larssen brothers going home and abandoning the parking lot (though not abandoning your tribal claims, no doubt!).

We are, however, left with the ongoing problems of the palestinian refugees and the undocumented migrant workers who have taken up residence on the grounds. I hope they are more amenable to our music than our native american friends!

Anonymous said...

The lovely and vivacious Deaconette Bernadette has a good point (despite her radical feminist proclivities) ... The white background is BLINDING this old-timer's eyes. Can you please give us a little pastel background, such as a Marian shade of blue?

Also (as I've been meaning to say for ages), please tell us at the TOP of a new thread -- not just at the bottom -- who the author is. I like to know in advance, before starting to read, who wrote the words, and I shouldn't have to scroll down and then back up again.

Agent Jones

Therese said...

umm. What does OCP stand for?

Syb Bob said...

OCP is the Oregon Catholic Press. Their missals have some of the best music that the patriarchal oppressive Church allows. None of that Palestrina stuff there.

Terrence Berres said...

At our parish, we have annual hymnals from OCP which include an order of worship that says to stand for the opening procession. Sometime our Liturgy Planners have us sit instead. So we pay OCP for the hymnals that say one thing, and pay a full-time Director of Liturgy to tell us something else. Now that's progressive!